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Pregnancy Research

The role of chiropractic in pregnancy. Vallone S. Int’l Chiropractic Assn. Review Summer 2002. p 47-51.

“By encouraging regular chiropractic and maternal self care (which includes good nutrition, regular stretching and exercise and stress management) we can improve our patient’s probability of a successful natural delivery.”

Follow-up of patients with low back pain during pregnancy. Brynhildsen J, Hansson A, Persson A, Hammar M. In: Obstetrics & Gynecology, Feb 1998; 91(2): 182-6.

Women with severe low back pain during pregnancy have an extremely high risk for experiencing a new episode of more severe low back pain during future pregnancies and when not pregnant.

Hypolumbarlordosis: a predisposing factor for preeclampsia. Kanayama N. Maradny EE, Kajiwara Y. et al. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 1997;75: 115-121.

About 1 in 200 pregnant women suffer from preeclampsia with hypertension and albuminaria (protein in urine) and which can lead to seizures, coma and death. No one knows what causes it.

The authors studied pregnant women to see if there was a relationship between their spinal shape, particularly the lumbar (lower back) spinal shape and preeclampsia. It was revealed that women with decreased lumbar spine curves had more preeclampsia. Interestingly, they also found that patients with reduced lumbar curves had decreased blood flow to the iliac artery than normal pregnant women.

The effects of chiropractic treatment on pregnancy and labor: a comprehensive study. Fallon J. Proceedings of the world chiropractic congress. 1991; 24-31.

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can change the shape of the spinal curves and overall posture which can affect organ systems.

In this study Dr. Fallon describes her work with 65 women who received chiropractic care from at least the tenth week of pregnancy through labor and delivery. These women experienced mean labor times significantly reduced compared to controls.

Women who were primagravidae (first pregnancy) who received chiropractic care averaged 24% shorter labor times than average for primagravidae women.

Women who were multiparous (had had at least one child prior) averaged 39% shorter labor times versus controls.

Back pain during pregnancy and labor. Diakow, PRP, Gadsby, TA, Gadsby JB et al. J Manipulative Physiol Ther Vol. 14, No. 2 Feb. 1991.

From the abstract:

An interview of 170 consecutive female patients: of the 170 pregnancies with reported back pain, 72% also reported back labor…The treated group experienced less pain during labor.

Eighty-four per-cent of patients receiving spinal manipulative therapy reported relief of back pain during pregnancy. There was significantly less likelihood of back labor when spinal manipulative therapy was administered during pregnancy.

The effect of chiropractic treatment on pregnancy and labor: a comprehensive study. Fallon J. New York, NY: Yeshiva University. From 1991, World Chiropractic Congress Abstracts.

One half of all pregnant women complain to their obstetricians about backache (LeBan et al. 1983); it can be demonstrated that chiropractic care significantly reduces the mean labor time.

Chiropractic and pregnancy, a partnership for the future. Fallon J. ICA Review Nov/Dec 1990. Pp. 39-42.

This paper discusses neurological conditions associated with subluxation in pregnancy: brachial neuralgia, compression of the brachial plexus causing tingling and numbness in the shoulder and arm; neuralgia paresthetica, compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve causing pain and paresthesia of the thigh; intercostal neuralgia, compression of the intercostal nerves causing radiating pain between the ribs; sciatic neuralgia, compression of lumbar plexus causing pain of the pelvic region and/or radiating down leg; coccydynia, pain at site of coccyx; separation of the symphysis pubis, causing pain at the symphysis pubis and SI joint; Carpal tunnel syndrome, compression of median nerve; Bell’s Palsy, compression of CN VII causing paralysis of facial muscles; traumatic neuritis, motor and sensory deficits of L5, S1 and S2 after labor.

Pregnancy and chiropractic care. Penna M, American Chiropractic Association Journal of Chiropractic. Nov. 1989 p.31.

From the summary:

“Regular adjustments can make pregnancy less stressful and delivery less uncomfortable. Chiropractic treatment can continue safely until the day of delivery.”

AMA study shows that pregnant women under chiropractic care have easier pregnancy and delivery. American Medical Association records released in 1987 during trial in U.S. District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777.

Irvin Hendryson, M.D. a member of the American Medical Association board of trustees, did a clinical study which revealed that pregnant women who received chiropractic adjustments in their third trimester were able to carry to term more frequently and deliver children with more comfort.

Medical expert state that less painkillers needed during delivery if patient under chiropractic care. Freitag, P. Expert testimony of Pertag, M.D., Ph.D. comparing results of two neighboring hospitals. U.S. District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777, May 1987.

A study was conducted in which chiropractic adjustments were incorporated into patients’ pregnancies. It revealed that the need for painkillers during delivery was reduced by half under chiropractic care. It was revealed that the AMA suppressed this study because it showed chiropractic effectiveness.

Effect of pressure applied to the upper thoracic (placebo) versus lumbar areas (osteopathic manipulative treatment) for inhibition of lumbar myalgia during labor. Guthrie R, Martin R. Journal of The American Osteopathic Association, Dec. 1982, Vol. 82 No. 4, pp.247-251.

From the abstract:

In a study of 500 women during labor, 352 experienced pain in the lumbar area during labor, an incidence of 70.4%. One of the most interesting findings of the study was the association of back pain during labor and abnormal fetal presentation.

Application of pressure to the lumbar area to inhibit lumbar pain reduced the need for major narcotic pain medication and minor tranquilizing medication.

What is the role of osteopathic manipulative therapy in obstetric care? For normal patients? For patients with problems (e.g. toxemia of pregnancy)? Hampton D. Journal of The American Osteopathic Association, Nov.1974, Vol.74, p. 192.

Adjustments keep the segments of the pregnant woman’s structure moving freely and normally. It permits a constant free flow of all body fluids and a normal venous supply to control function. During the second 6 weeks of pregnancy, the growing fetus and expanding uterus often settle in the hollow of the sacrum and relief of nausea may be achieved…adjustments…results in an easier pregnancy and an easier delivery. The return of the mother to prepartum health also is expedited by adjustments. Adjustments has a part in the prevention and cure of toxemia.

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